
Rialto Rialto
Summer's Over - Rialto


Rialto成军于1997年,brit-pop(Britain地区流行的一种摇滚曲风)阵容中一支幽暗而华丽的唯美分子,一支双鼓配备的6人乐队,演奏着深击人心的Dream Pop式的rock,营造忧伤颓废得令人心碎的音乐氛围。英伦摇滚更注重旋律和节奏,带有一种特别的伤感,它不会声嘶力竭得吼出最彻底的伤痛,只会在幽蓝鼓点中摄走你的魂魄~Rialto是一支一直都不怎么红的乐队,2001年就宣告解散~机缘巧合听到这首歌,感受到平淡中的无奈和苍凉,却疯狂爱上,单曲循环~

Summer's Over      Rialto

Kamikaze seagull planes
fighting over chip shop take-away remains;
when you're walking on the cliffs,
you can't help thinking of how far down the sea is,
and what if it should give...
I didn't mean to bring you down,
summer's over, seaside town,
she says we shouldn't have come so far
this seaside town, summer's over.
Empty pubs echo with sounds
jukebox selections that keep going round and round.
and maybe rain is all we need
to come and wash the summer rubbish off the beach...
oh, let's just go to sleep!
I didn't mean to bring you down,
summer's over, seaside town,
she says we shouldn't have come so far, this seaside town...
In the back of the arcades,
kids borrow money to play one more final game
while mothers wait in family cars.
I wonder why we ever chose to come so far,
but I wish you wouldn't ask...
I didn't mean to bring you down,
summer's over, seaside town,
she says we shouldn't have come so far,
this seaside town...
This summer's over, seaside town,
This seaside town, summer's over,
Summer's over...
Summer's over...Summer's over... summer's over.
 夏天已结束 夏天已结束 夏天已然结束

P.S.歌词第一句Kamikaze seagull planes是俚语,很多人看不明白,不是“神风海鸥与飞机”,Kamikaze seagull是宿醉之类后洗澡时反胃的反应……然后planes就是大麻了~

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